Dotcom Computers Inc. Expand Adtran Routers

Dotcom Computers Inc., will expand the selection of Adtran routers the company offers. As a result of increasing demand for used Adtran products, the company will begin a broader range of equipment for home networks.  Two routers that Dotcom Computers will be adding are 4430 Netvanta and the Netvanta 5305.

The Adtran Netvanta 4430 (P/N: 1700630G 1) is a modular access router. Built for higher-bandwidth applications, supports the 4430, use up to 8 T1s sees fit. Suitable for VPN, the 4430 has a built-in firewall and three Ethernet LAN ports on the router connecting switches. The 1700630G 1, the IPsec data over a network is secure. Those interested in more information about the router 4430 to go ...

The router Netvanta Adtran 5305 (P/N: 1200990L 1) is also a modular access router produced by Adtran. The 5305 is a much bigger chassis than the 4430, more cards than the 4430 Assembly. The 5305 comes in two configurations of Dotcom Computers depending on the needs. The 4200990L 1 is a 5305 chassis, system control unit, and an octal T1 card designed to process 8 simultaneous connections. More info on the octal T1 5305 can be found at

The other Netvanta 5305 offered is a router T3 equipped. Support up to two T3 modules are individual T3 modules available through the retailer if you contact them. In addition to T3 modules are high speed Serial Interface (HSSI) modules available for real modular possibilities by the router.

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